You are currently viewing Listen to Draupadi’s angry speech (Hindi – Mahabharata – Agyaatvaas)
Draupadi as Sairandhri with Sudeshna - Painted by Raja Ravi Verma -(Pandavas - Agyaat Vaas - Mahabharata)

Listen to Draupadi’s angry speech (Hindi – Mahabharata – Agyaatvaas)

When the Pandavas were living in disguise, in Mastya Desh (Agyaat vaas,) Keechak or Kichaka, who was Queen Sudeshna‘s brother, tried harass Draupadi. Since she, along with her five husbands, were living incognito. If any of them were recognized, they would have to go through the whole 13-year cycle again – and so, trapped in the guise of Sairandhri, she felt helpless.

In this episode, listen to Draupadi when she spoke with Bhima and sought his intervention. Feel her anger and experience her disappointment with Yudhisthira.

And if you like this, do check out Krishna’s Divine Form ( कृष्ण का ब्रह्मरूप.)

Draupadi as Sairandhri with Sudeshna - Painted by Raja Ravi Verma -(Pandavas - Agyaat Vaas - Mahabharata)
Draupadi as Sairandhri with Sudeshna consoling her about Kichaka’s advances. Painted by Raja Ravi Verma -(Pandavas – Agyaat Vaas – Mahabharata)

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